The Bubbly Purpose

Brew Good beer, sell good beer. Every brewery out there wants to make money by selling beer. Some breweries just want to make a standard five or six beer mediocre line up and have a go at making money. I want to make good beer. Quality for me is important. Taste is an inherent part of quality. If something doesn’t taste good why would you drink it? There is no point in drinking or consuming a beer that doesn’t taste good and have good quality standards. Brew what you enjoy making but also brew beer people will enjoy with you.

There is an old rule that when you are at a bar, you don’t talk about politics or religion. These two topics are taboo. Bad things happen if you breach these rules. My house rule is different. Stated simply, “I don’t let politics get in the way of my beer.” I’ll sit down and have a beer with anybody. I repeat, I’ll have a beer with anybody. A conversation over beer is a great way to get to know somebody and a good way to mend the fences. Conflicts between people or groups of people can be solved. Let’s let a conversation over a mug of beer be the way we find common ground. Now you might say but not everyone drinks beer. If that’s the case offer them root-beer or tea and a place at the table.

I’ve got two goals with this website. First make friends while talking about beer. Second find future customers. Friends are essential to daily life. As a home brewer they are my first customers. If they are real friends then they’ll tell me straight up which brews they liked and which ones they didn’t. They’ll tell me when I’ve missed the mark or when I made something that they really enjoy. My hope is to have enough friends when I open a brewery to help me spread the word.

One day I will have my own brewery. It’s going to take a lot of work to get there. I’m not even looking to open the door to “Finestein’s” for another ten years, give or take. Starting a brewery doesn’t take ten years to accomplish.  Until I get out of the army, every beer, cider or wine I create is practice. This is my time to experiment and to practice my craft. Now is my time to brew anything that I want. When I open the brewery, I’ll be brewing for my customers.

This website is part of my plan to become a brew master. Brewing beer and drinking it is something I do regularly. A website is one way I can share my experiences with other people. It’s a place to start the discussion about beer, good brewing practices and how to make better beer.
Pull up a chair and grab a beer from the tap. Welcome to Finestine’s!

Copyright © 2022 Fine Steins

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